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  • Writer's pictureLaney

Christmas is coming!!!

Well Christmas is just around the corner and I am starting to make stock for our Christmas Fair 2018..

This was a caption in The Bolton Evening New last year...

Bolton Christmas Trees' superstore, at Spindle Point Farm, Kearsley, has the largest collection of cut trees in Bolton, open from December 1 to 23 from 8am to 8pm every day.

Sandra Arden, from Bolton Christmas Trees, said: "Bolton Christmas Trees is a family-run business employing four generations, and we have a 400 acre farm in Scotland where all our trees are sourced. "We have been trading for over 30 years and we supply wholesale trees to garden centres throughout Britain, and large trees to many places including Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Salford University, and many councils, churches and schools as far away as Newcastle upon Tyne."

The fair we attend is at our friends farm Spindle Point at the weekends they have a marque and allows some of their friends to sell their crafts and other products for several weekends before Christmas. They provide free mulled wine and mince pies to all their customers and a local brass band and Santa come to visit every Sunday.

Its lovely and festive you should come and visit us one weekend.

Well as I am making various products for the fair I will post blogs and show you the items I make.

So for now I will say goodbye and will be back soon....

Keep crafting peeps

Love Laney x

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